How to buy Andy

Connect your ICP wallet to ICPSwap.

Find the ICP deposit address on the wallet page.

Deposit ICP into your IPCSwap wallet.

Now you are ready to buy Andy.

Contract address


How to Import ICRC tokens

The NNS dapp focuses on providing a simple user interface where community members can interact with different on-chain governance systems deployed on the Internet Computer.

To extend wallet capabilities, users of the NNS dapp can import any token that supports ICRC-1. This includes all ICRC-2 and ICRC-3 tokens.

If you want to hold tokens in your NNS wallet outside of the list provided by the NNS, you need to import the token using its ledger canister ID. This process simply saves a list of token ledger canister IDs on your account letting the NNS dapp know which tokens to fetch.

The NNS dapp relies on index canisters to display transaction histories. If your token has an index canister, you can import it by using its index canister ID.

  • ICPSwap: Curated list of tokens traded on ICPSwap updated by the ICPSwap SNS DAO.

  • ICP Tokens: Curated list of tokens traded on ICP-based DEXs updated by ICP Tokens.

  • ICP Dashboard: List of all chain-key tokens (under Chain Fusion menu option) updated automatically.

  • nftGeek: Curated list of tokens traded on ICP-based DEXs updated by nftGeek.

  • ICPEx: Curated list of tokens traded on ICPEx updated by ICPEx.

  • CoinMarketCap: The ICRC tokens that are listed on CoinMarketCap provide their ledger canister ID under Contract.

  • CoinGecko: The ICRC tokens that are listed on CoinGecko provide their ledger canister ID under Contract.